Additional education


1. Skillbox | Clo 3D for fashion designers

You will learn how to create virtual clothes, shoes and accessories. Master the sought-after direction in Fashion, be able to visualize your fashion collections, collaborate with brands and bloggers.

2. Skillbox | Fashion designer

You will understand how to create a clothing collection: from concept development to production organization. Analyze trends, develop sketches, organize and control production. The fashion industry needs designers who are aware of current trends and can create sustainable and timeless collections.

3. Skillbox | 3D modeling in ZBrush from scratch

Master the popular character creation and 3D modeling software. You will be able to professionally embody the ideas of the customer in ZBrush or "revive" your heroes. Become a sought-after specialist in cinema, advertising or game design.

4. Skillbox | Photoshop for illustrators

Learn how to properly digitize your work and draw in Photoshop from scratch. You can add spectacular illustrations to your portfolio. You can digitize and perfect your drawings. Learn how to create raster graphics. You will be able to create spectacular illustrations in different styles and bring them to life with simple animation.

5. Skillbox | Profession Fashion designer

Fashion designers are visionaries who define the fashion of the future. Talented professionals get jobs in large companies and establish their own brands. Thanks to the trend towards conscious consumption, more and more people are abandoning the mass market in favor of local brands. Therefore, now is the best time to unleash your creativity and launch your own clothing line.

6. Bang Bang | Illustration: looking for style

On the course, you will be able to understand who you are, how to start developing on your own and adopt your own style. - for beginners - for those who do not yet know where to look for inspiration, where to start and how to find their own style; - those who love practical exercises and want to upgrade their skills.

7. Fashion factory | Digital fashion course

On the course:

  • You will create a digital fashion brand or collection under the guidance of digital fashion experts in Russia and the world.
  • Learn about all the opportunities and trends in the digital market.
  • Choose the business model that's right for you: build a digital brand from scratch, release a digital collection, or streamline production.
  • Calculate a model for a digital business: how much money you need to start, what should be the price to make money on it.
  • Get contacts of trusted contractors and 3D designers.
  • You will learn how to set tasks for specialists, and get what you have in mind.
  • Learn how to optimize physical brand production with digital collections: test new models and collect orders. Save time, money and nerves when introducing new products.
  • Learn about new features of the fashion market and how to implement them: digital fitting rooms, lookbooks, digital influencers.
  • Understand where and how to sell a digital brand or collection. Get a guide to entering digital marketplaces.

8. Netology | Fashion designer

This course is a deep dive into fashion design. This is an opportunity to further collaborate with fashion brands, launch your own collection or breathe new life into an already created one.

9. Netology | 3D modeling and animation"

Master the basic tools for working with 3D graphics. Try yourself as a 3D modeler, character artist and 3D animator. Gather a portfolio with which you can start in creative fields: cinema, advertising and the game industry.

10. Netology | Illustration and drawing from scratch

Master the key tools and skills of an illustrator and turn what you love into your profession. You can work with digital products. You will be in demand in various areas: from branding to illustrating websites and mobile applications.

11. British, courses | Preparatory Course for the Fashion Design Program

The course helps to prepare a professional portfolio for further admission to the FVE program in Fashion and Style. Students will get acquainted with the process of creating a collection: from an idea to a finished product.

12. British, courses | Preparatory course illustration

The program includes teaching the basics of illustration, immersion in the context of modern graphics and the study of various image creation techniques. The training consists of a set of workshops where students learn new tools for working with graphics and consult with experts. At their disposal are the workshops of the School, where they can hone their skills.

13. British, courses | Start in fashion

The intensive offers you to try yourself as a fashion designer, forms basic skills and ideas about your future profession and helps you decide on a possible choice for further development in the fashion industry. Participants of the intensive will go through the entire process of creating a collection in miniature: they will learn how to make collages to further develop the silhouette, come up with creative texture solutions and create shapes from alternative materials. The program, a mix of theory and practice, simulates an express immersion in aspects of the profession of a fashion designer, touches on the subtleties of related professions of a designer, technologist and confectioner. As a result of the intensive, participants will get an idea about the creation of a collection and form an understanding of the chronology of the process: from idea to implementation.

14. British, courses | Clothing design

The goal of the program is to teach students the basics of design and key tools for creating clothes. Students will have a detailed acquaintance with all the stages of creating clothes. They will be able to develop concepts, master different methods of designing clothes, including digital ones, get an idea of modern materials and technologies for working with textiles, and begin to study three-dimensional graphic editors.

The result of the training will be a series of experiments expressed in finished products.

Some disciplines in 2022/23 will be held online.

15. HSE School of Design | Clothing design. Basic course

The purpose of the program is an introduction to the profession. Students learn the basics of fashion design and go through all stages of design activities: from collecting material to implementing an object in the form of a finished product, sketches and fabric developments. The final project is access to the author's collection and 2 High/Low looks made in the material. Students will learn the basics of the clothing designer profession through project activities: collecting material, working with a creative source, analyzing information, compiling moodboards, interpreting a theme and implementing an object in the form of collages, sketches, fabric developments and, finally, a finished product. During the training, experienced teachers will help them develop their own author's style, develop an individual style.

16. HSE School of Design | Illustration. Basic course


  • Find and develop individual narrative, graphic language and style
  • Develop concepts for exhibition projects
  • Work with text and layout, with commercial briefs
  • Apply basic principles of typography and layout
  • Prepare projects for printing
  • Work with graphic programs Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator / InDesign.

17. Pentaschool | Illustrator

An illustrator is able to convey an idea and meaning through visual images. With the help of illustration, he can give an emotional coloring to the text, convey the atmosphere of the story, visualize the intention of the text. The scope of work of such a specialist is wider than that of an ordinary designer - he can illustrate books and magazines, create comics, brand characters, combining professional activities with creativity.

18. Gulnara Vakhitova Fashion Academy | Fashion design course

  • You will receive all the necessary foundation of a professional designer, a ready-made portfolio and rendered clothing collections.
  • Develop your ability to come up with fresh new designs without relying on pinterest and google photos
  • Learn to draw clothes
  • Learn to design and model models from your drawing
  • Find out which direction in fashion design you like best by trying different styles and methods
  • Design your first collection, create a portfolio

19. BEAUTY ACADEMY EKOL | Apprenticeship as a fashion designer

Training is perfect for those who want to become a specialist in the design and tailoring of clothes. You will be able to unleash your creativity, learn how to create sketches and master the design, modeling and tailoring of women's clothing.